Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Easy Access Children’s Books to Support Conversations on Race and Racism

While perusing social media one of my sorority sisters posted a link to 31 children’s books that support conversations with young kids about race, racism, and resistance. I thought it was, not only a great time, but also a phenomenal topic to discuss with young children in the form of story telling through book.

I’ll be checking out these books for my little one and I encourage you to do the same if you hadn’t already. I’m thankful to The Conscious Kid from Journal Blog that did the research so I didn’t have to. 
A doctor on 3rd Hour Today said children by the age of, as young as 6 months, notice change in color, recognizes family...they can’t label the differences, but they recognize differences. At ages two to three children recognize race differences. She doesn’t suggest being overt but the conversations can begin with reading so children can be as diverse as possible. Normalize differences and begin to see themselves through stories. 

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