Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Side Chucks

This has obviously always been overshadowed by the side chick, but there is an increasingly large population of men that revel at the desire to be "in a relationship" with married women.  I'll call them side CHUCKS.  You know how badly I wanted to call them the rhyme of chicks, but...come on...this is a family show, and I try to be as decent and in order as humanly possible as often as is necessary :-)

I was asked to be a panelist on a discussion of women including; wives, singles, and side chicks.
...I got to thinking...

There is always controversy surrounding the side mean...chick.  SHE is always on the receiving end of scrutiny, even though the man in the said-relationship is actually the guilty party to the betrayal.  SHE gets all the air time, songs written and dedications, plays surrounding, and movies chronicling the lifestyle.  SHE even gets a voice on a panel to speak in hopes of getting some sort of vindication.
But the side CHUCK is REAL.  He lives.  He breathes.  He miserably lives in the shadow of a woman's husband.  He hopelessly slick-talks these men's wives and desperately sexts them all the while she's actually with her husband.  He outrageously courts other men's wives and make futile plans when he thinks her husband is away. He undresses her in his mind and vividly embraces her through depressing visions because more often than not, she's never leaving her husband for him.
He may never want her to himself either.  He's the weak-willed, lazy type that you wouldn't want to marry either way because in the end there would be an upsetting loss.
Honestly speaking, if not just for myself, I would have never imagined men would want married women.  Not just desire, as in, "I'm attracted to a woman and she happens to be married", or "I never officially had my chance with her and now she's married so I'll wait on old dude to mess up", but actually...wanting to on the phone...court...sleep with...whichever is clever when her husband is not around! 
Just writing that makes me sick to my stomach on both ends of this disgusting spectrum.

Call it naivety, but I thought if nothing but for the simple fact of that egotistical macho façade some men put on; surely they wouldn't want another man's wife? Hunty!  I was wrong.  They are desperate, disgusting, and damaged.
There is really no excuse for men OR women to do it.  I'm just here to blog the reality that is: Some men and women prefer to be side pieces and it's not exclusive to one gender as so often depicted socially.

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