Friday, August 25, 2017

Khrystian Tid-bits

When a person has the intelligence size of a nat they resort to name-calling, pontificating insults, and foul language.

An unproductive person spends a disturbing amount of time consumed with someone else's life. It's unhealthy to think you know details about a person you don't associate with. Social media is not an intimate help!

Find a positive, stop focusing on negative 

Only buffoons associate beauty with skin color or ethnicity 

If you're over it, you don't talk about it. If you're talking about it, you're not over it.

Mind the gap and reach the next generation 

Deposit MONEY in to YOUR bank account and NOT mess in someone's inbox. 

Expose yourself and be real...nobody respects or honors a fake. Faux merchandise doesn't come with a warranty. It becomes trash once used.


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