Friday, October 23, 2015

Do you know what gluten means?! 

At a workshop this morning we discussed science illiteracy. Many people in the world aren't actually knowledgable about topics and, in fact, even stances or decisions they make. Many people believe everything they Google, find on the Internet or see on a billboard. Some people only give credibility to a friend, fit fan member, or another person they run marathons with. 
The trainer gave several examples of scientific information people aren't literate or knowledgeable about but make vast opinions and assumptions on: vaccinations, eating foods with unknown named ingredients, etc.
Gluten-free me laugh! Gluten is mixture of two proteins found in grains and wheat. It is harmful to those people that have celiac disease only. 
If your objective is to cut down on carbs...great! If it is to cut back on gluten...why? The above YouTube was hilarious! And the following meme's are even better! 
Mind you- water and lettuce do NOT contain wheat or grains but over 30% of people "maintain" a gluten-free diet and pay top dollar (an exuberant amount) to have gluten-free (non-containing) foods and drinks! 
Someone is a marketing genius and getting rich off science illiteracy! Pay attention. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it enough, as quoted by Albert Einstein. 

Here, lettuce does NOT contain lactose anyway (side-eye)...this is laughable to me. #literacy 

Enjoy this gluten-free post (smiles)
Thanks Lisa F. for the funnies today during our training.

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