As we approach the new year I see a ton of growth resolutions and change resolutions. I also see some negatives responses to others' will to change. Instead of harping on how idiotic I think anyone is for negatively downing a person's desire or will to change (even if that's the resolution every year- it's theirs to do) I'm going to resolve that you take your surface-level resolution "to change" a step further and determine what all it will take to successfully complete your resolutions. I'll challenging you to complete the sentence with a complete thought. "In 2015, I'm going to change by _______________________."
What are you willing to do?
How long will it take? Mind you some resolutions are as quick as batting our eyelashes while others may take the entire year. Either way: set a timeline.
What do you need to let go of? ...and don't just say, "negativity" Place a value on it. Instead, complete the thought by saying, "I need to let go of negative thoughts by replacing each one with a positive reminder that I can do it."
Don't just say, "I'm getting a new car or a new job."
What are you going to do to get it? So instead replace that surface resolution with, " This year I will save each week $100 to put down for the down payment on my new truck."
"This year, I'm updating my resume and sending it to two companies each week until I get an interview."
Make positive contributions to your resolutions. As always, be realistic! A resolution is not some wish granted by some mythical blue genie. A resolution is what you are going to do. When making these vision boards, glue down both the end product, as well as, what it'll take to get there. Write it down on the back if you need to, record yourself so that you're obligated to fulfill the resolution. A goal means nothing without a plan of action!
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