This is the year many of you will see you were never in Christ but the church...the system. Saul later renamed Paul had the same awakening. For many of you, the awakening will be painful...awaken anyway. Pay attention to what JESUS says: MANY will say I have prophesied in your name, cast out demons..but I will say depart from Me I NEVER knew YOU! Wealth, popularity, acceptance, comfortability, (I, Khrystian, will add tradition) etc have convinced many people they're right standing with God. Jesus says YOU can know them AND yourself by YOUR fruits. The issue is we call bad fruit, imperfection, when there is a difference in bad and imperfect. If you are a Pastor with women in every port, cheating on your wife, into porn, leading people on, using emotionalism to raise money; that's bad fruit! If you are or woman and coaxing anyone outside of your spouse into a romantic relationship for any reason, that's bad fruit. If you gossip, and lie...that's not an imperfection that God has to overlook because "He knows your heart..." that's bad fruit. Don't expect God to overlook what He has given you the power to change. Arranged marriages for image purpose...bad fruit. Orgies, trips out of the country for sex tourism, preying on the next generation, using prostitutes, strippers & escort services...bad fruit. The Bible even talks about emulations...emulating other peoplel...bad fruit. Get YOUR instructions from God. He's bringing YOURS a different way! Tearing other people down to build yourself up...bad fruit. Manipulation...bad fruit. Being two-faced...bad fruit. Jealousy, envying...bad fruit. You will know what fruit you bear when its harvest time...when what's in you, comes out of you. God will set up situations to show you what's in you that needs to come out of you. Stuck in a bad pattern? An ungodly root is still there. I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying: MANY of you are mad that this season has shown you that you were deceived last season...don't be mad. Rejoice! It's better to recover from having been deceived than it is to have to spend an eternity knowing you were deceived. If you think you can live any kind of way you want and still see are being deceived. Satan will present you with scriptures out of context to help you be deceived, Matt 4! If you think you can plot, scheme, sow seeds against people, etc...and it's ok because you had a good are being deceived. Stop saying God knows my heart...yes, He does! That's why scripture says the heart is deceitful...full of deception. (Deceitful above all things) If you mislead people...bad fruit. Use people...bad fruit. ORDER!!!! ORDER is what God is calling back to His house! The sheep have gone astray. MARK these words: God is getting ready to bring many men to repentance. When He does, don't beat them up, REJOICE! ...for the ones who are adamant and refuse to surrender, there will be NO QUESTION as to who was in the system. It will be made known to man. God's desire is NEVER to expose. But, when sheep are being slaughtered, GOD HIMSELF takes it personally. If you have been impacted negatively because of the system, take your pain to God to heal. It's possible! Let HIM heal you and teach you.
This was just a mere fraction of all she spoke of this morning! If you'd like to fully read her timeline on twitter, follow her here: @teracarissa
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