Monday, November 25, 2013

Great Season, Not-So Great Hands

I'm just saying the Fall through Winter season is great and I'm a all for it, but what I'm not all for are the GERMS! YUCK! 
Sneezing, wheezing, running noses, coughing, etc., etc., etc.!
"People" are bad, this season more than others, about their germs! Not washing hands and what-not!
This is the season where it's chilly out and everyone wants to snuggle and or stay warm. They'll attempt this by hugs, even if it's the sideways-church's still a hug and germs are atill transferred! Because, most people, don't readily carry sanitizer and/or tissue around with soon as they sneeze or cough it's either with an open mouth spreading germs like wild-fire at about 20 miles an hour OR they wipe the germs, which were placed into their hands onto their clothes OR they've sneezed or coughed into their shoulder, sleeve, or pants. These same people will hug, shake your hand, or give you dap.
Get my picture?! YUCK! This season is YUCK! Lol! 
I still love it though!
Keep it safe! Keep it clean! No bacteria! No germs!! Wash those hands...and clothes real good! 

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