Saturday, March 10, 2012

Unsolicited Advice

-You know those times someone (anyone) gives you advice...that you didn't ask for? Yea, that awkward moment where you realize you didn't ask for an opinion, but one was given to you anyway and without your consent! Here it goes-

*Careful whom you call your friends
They are talking about you behind your back and don't have the courage to tell you to your face. They will mask an underhanded compliment with a smile or joke. You remember the time everyone laughed and you were LOST...? Yea! They were talking about YOU and that's NOT what friends do!

*They don't know how to love you
You know a person loves you when you're not questioning it. Actions speak louder than that void "love" word they're giving. Contrary to popular does NOT hurt! It feels good and you want that feeling all the time once you get it!

*You can do it
Sure, it's cliché, but it's the truth! It won't always come when you want it but the change gon' come! You can make it happen, you have the capability one way or another!

*There's nothing "cute" about being known for having a bad attitude or a negative disposition
Get your life! It's TOO short! We all have our crosses to bear, but nothing is more precious than time! It's our worst enemy and once you lose it; you never get it back! Don't waste it away with negativity and stupidity!

*It's 2012 shower others for their good work and correct them when it's not up to par
This includes tipping servers!

*Don't be so proud that you miss out on a GOOD thing
Help is normally a phone call away...and with technology now a days: a google search away. ASK! Or at the very least LISTEN. Take nuggets folks giving out because in this day and age they're few and far between so if someone is giving them...take it!

*Not everyone is FOR you
Pray for discernment. Ask for wisdom.

*If you have to suck it in or lay across the bed to zip up they are TOO tight to wear to any civilized event
Yes, we CAN see what you feel! There's nothing wrong with self-esteem but there's something wrong with those pants!

*Dont lead people on
If you know you're not hiring them, let them know via email, phone call, letter, your assistant, or something. If you don't want to be serious with them, tell them. If they choose to stay after that, at least you've said your peace. Practice being upfront with people.

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