Part Deux!
15. If you play in the mud you're going to get dirty
-Stay away from the so-called rudeboys, bad boys, or any of the other endearing terminologies we've given them. Just like the old saying; you can't turn a hoe (whore) into a remains the same! They're FUN! That is all!
16. Be Dora the Explorer
-Have an exciting date with your city. Go with girlfriends or alone. Tested, tried and true; it's better to go alone!
17. Letting go of past relationships isn't saying I hate you; it's saying, I love me!
-Ladies, leave the exes alone; it's a reason why you're NOT with them. Stop siking yourself out.
18. Being alone is perfectly ok, as long as you're NOT lonely.
19. Don't block your blessings!
-Try to be a nice, inviting person! It's not you against the world, okay?! Don't openly male-bash! Don't take personal frustrations (which nine times out of ten; we cause ourselves) and use them as a conversation peice. Please, please, please for the love of ALL things Louis Vuitton; DO NOT air your dirty laundry! Also, wait on the ring. Don't be out wearing a fake (or real) diamond on your left ring finger. Mr. RIGHT, just saw you wave across the room with that left hand...and sadly kept on walking. :)
20. Be an assest not a liabiltity!
Time in and time out I say it here on my blog first-LEARN something! be a better you; and not for anyone, but yourself!! Have something positive to offer to any relationship!
***Enough*** Hope you've enjoyed my Khrystian tid-bits!
See Part 1 of Single Girl Gems:: here~
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