Friday, September 23, 2016

NOVEMBER to remember

There's going to be many sad, upset, disgruntled, and mad faces come November! But! It'll also be some thankful, grateful, happy, cheerful, and beautiful faces come November! 
...only time will tell...
Just know...
There can only be ONE! 
It's happening regardless of your feelings!
There's nothing you can do to put a stop to it!
It was ALWAYS part of God's perfect plan!
Stranger things have happened!
Time's'll be here before you know it!
😜 smooches


Unknown said...

You deserve it 😘

Unknown said...

Understanding the fantastic design of what will be a moment of Love Substance and Sustaining of course God had to create the 1 and he did You❤❤
So as this day is made for no man will create separation nor despair. #selfpreserved #Godschild

TrekaMitch said...

Only Happy Thoughts...Only excitement....Only warm and fuzzies! Ain't nobody made but the devil....Congrats babygirl! Treka.....

Kathryn Cunningham said...

This really is a time of great anticipation. GOTV!