Monday, April 30, 2012

Work it Out

Going through the hustle and bustle of work and just plain old life can cause anyone to get weary or tired and neglect taking care of our bodies! For some of us, working out is easier said than done! Here are some useful, helpful ways to tie exercise into your daily routine:
-Add extra steps as often as possible. Always take the stairs, park farther away than your usual up-close spot, instead of emailing a coworker, go talk to them (it's a lost art)!
-Sit up straight, no slouching!
-While sitting do arms curls.
-Walk around and read those papers, instead of looking down on your desk all day.
-Do squat reps of 10 in intervals of 10 throughout your 8 hour day.
-Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Here's to staying fit!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

...Without Spot or Wrinkle

My heart sank as the ringing of my cell phone began: no rest for the weary as I attempted to get in a last moment of sleep before tackling my work day at the gallery. Looking at the phone it was Trevor. You'd think I'd be excited that it was the love of my life but I was not in a mood to talk with him. I'd been in an emotional tug of war ever since the fathers day barbecue. Do I love him? I love him not! This is no secret to either of us since the emotional game of Russian roulette had been played with my heart for the last 6 months! As I pulled the last imaginary petal in my mind, the words I love him were whispered by me as I answered the phone.
"Hello." I said enthusiastically, as I'm realizing I do in fact love him, or I wouldn't possibly have put up with all of his nonsense this long if I didn't.

"Hey. How you doing?" his voice on the other line summoned as if we hadn't just kissed each other goodnight less than twelve hours before.

"I'm doing good, you?!" I questioned, already assuming that bright and early, just like the clock work of the Saturday morning metro, he was about to say, "I'm here!" at my house ready to invade my personal space and take over whatever plans I did or didn't have for the day. To the ultimate contrary he says, "I got some bad news."

"What." I inquired. Certainly after our, what felt like, turbulent relationship; there could be no such thing...

"I'm in jail."

I was wrong! Unequivocally wrong! Jail! How?! Why?! When?! Where?! The three seconds I paused to wrap my head around the statement seemed like an eternity! All of a sudden I felt hopeless, alone, sad, angry, confused, relieved, punked, lethargic all at the same time and no one real reason could I think for any of my emotions.

"What happened?! Why?!" I tried to sound calm, as I wanted to believe this was some type of sick joke that was going to end with a wonderful surprise of bananas foster, balloons, flowers or anything other than the alternative!


...Give me feedback! That's one of the story lines in my book
Khrystian Nichole